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Click to call
Click to call
This is a useful option that employees of any company will definitely appreciate. One click is enough to contact the client or the right employee. This is the most convenient and saves a lot of time (no need to look for a number, check it, etc.).
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Branches interconnection
Branches interconnection
Opening branches is an important stage in the development of the company. And already at the initial stage it is very important to build close cooperation between the center and branches. Thanks to this option, employees of different branches can communicate with each other using multi-branch communication. It allows not only to optimize the time of employees (there is no need to look for a particular number of a specialist to resolve a client’s issue) and to reduce communication costs (no need to install a PBX in each of the branches etc.), but also increase customer loyalty (calls forwarding between branches is carried out in just a couple of clicks and allows you to reach the right person as quickly as possible)
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Predictive dialer
Predictive dialer
Intelligent calling allows you to make as many customer calls as possible in a minimum period of time. This feature is responsible for automatically dialing the phone numbers included in your campaign's contact list and forwarding them to the currently available agents. In addition, the call is connected to the operator only after one of the company's customers picks up the phone. This improves employee productivity and prevents burnout at work. The fact that the connection is established only after picking up the handset saves a lot of time - no busy lines, unsuccessful dialing attempts or changed numbers "steal" the agent's time. In addition, the system also predicts the number of calls that can be made to ensure the most efficient work of employees and rational use of time (calculations are carried out on the basis of mathematical algorithms). She makes more calls in advance than is available at a particular moment and predicts when a person will be free to communicate with a client. Thus, the break time between calls is reduced, and the productivity of the call center is increased.
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Website callback widget
Website callback widget
The main task of the callback widget for the site is to win the visitor to perform the target action. As practice shows, thanks to the installation of the code of this widget, the number of calls to the company increases by an average of 10-15%, which is a pretty good indicator, especially if you take into account the simplicity of its implementation. This is a very convenient option, which is used by busy people and which allows you to increase the level of customer loyalty. The callback service implies the ability to establish a connection with the company's subscriber in such a way that his outgoing call is charged by the operator as incoming, which makes communication free of charge for the client. The callback technology is built on the principle of a switch. It also aims to increase customer loyalty.
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Call analytics
Call analytics
Call analytics is the No. 1 tool for monitoring the quality of the call center and allows you to significantly save time to get the most positive work result. For it, IP telephony providers integrate special software into their solutions that tracks calls in real time. Smart algorithms collect data such as call time, call duration, voiceovers, phrases and keywords. In fact, it takes into account not only the actual parameters of the conversations, but also their context and allows you to get the following information: How interested a potential customer is in purchasing a product or receiving a service. Which marketing channel led to the call and evaluate the effectiveness of each of them. Efficiency of employees in handling calls. Conversation content and customer service quality. All this data helps to improve the quality of service and build an effective customer service. Analytics will reveal which managers are not coping with the load, are not competent and do not adhere to business ethics when communicating with clients. This is important for building the company's image and increasing customer loyalty.
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Call Stats
Call Stats
Storing detailed statistics of all incoming and outgoing calls is an important option that is in great demand in companies in various business areas. All information for any period of time is always available for analysis. For each call, you can view complete information: the duration of the call, the date and time it was made, information about all participants in the conversation, and the cost. With the help of filtering, you can view statistics for a specific employee or direction and draw conclusions about the performance of an employee or department. By filtering statistics, you can analyze according to the following criteria: How many calls does each employee make per day, per week or for another period of time; How many incoming calls are received by a phone number from a particular city (necessary for the correct settings of contextual advertising, identifying the target audience, etc.); The number of incoming calls to numbers that are used for different advertising channels (allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign).
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Webphone - Use of Various Types of Terminal Devices
Webphone - Use of Various Types of Terminal Devices
Telephony for business in its modern form opens up endless possibilities. A host of technologies, tools and features help you maximize your phone-intensive processes in and out of the office. At the same time, the choice of terminal devices for managing telephone communication can be confusing. There are a lot of them, and each provides certain advantages. Therefore, if you need to ensure maximum efficiency of telephone communication, it is better to ask for the help of professionals. In our company, you will be able to choose the best options for devices for telephone communication of your company. In particular, we are ready to provide you with the best options for devices such as: IP phones, Softphones, Web phones, Analog phones, Cell phones, Specialized solutions for company secretaries and directors. What makes these endpoints unique? IP Phones – Functionality Without the Hassle IP telephony is not just a trend. Today, an office without this type of terminal device looks at least frivolous. And all this is just because IP phones do not require dedicated telephone lines, work from an Internet connection, use high-quality and high-speed software, and have many functions that are not available to mobile and analog communication devices. Thanks to IP phones, you will not only reduce the cost of paying telephone bills but also optimize the time spent on processing calls, be able to record conversations with customers, track employee productivity, and simply provide the office with high-quality communication. Functionality, saving company resources, and presentability - these are all IP phones. Softphones With a Headset. Your Employees’ Comfort and Efficiency Are your employees torn between working on a laptop and answering customer calls? Do you want the department to work like a real call center, or do you organize a call center directly? All this requires a special type of telephone equipment. Our company will help you choose, install, and use softphones with a headset. This is especially useful for companies where employees need to communicate with customers and use a computer to search for information or enter data at the same time. The softphone is simply put on the ear like a hands-free headset and provides a full-fledged telephone connection. No loss in performance. Prompt response to calls. Satisfied clients. All this is the result of the introduction of softphone devices. Web Phone Helps to Manage Calls From the Browser Do you want telephony to the office that works just from a browser? No wires, no phone lines, no bills, no maintenance! Your web phone in the browser already provides you with a stable connection if you have a good internet connection. In addition, you can additionally use the numerous features of such a device, such as a call analytics, reports, and conversation dynamics. Analog Phones, an Endless Classic in a New Version If you are not ready to give up the good old analog numbers, let's make them more modern! Our VoIP technologies will help you transform standard analog communications into a modern IP PBX with all its benefits. Stay true to the old numbers! Make telephony your forte, even without telephony upgrades. We offer telephony optimization at a minimal cost. Mobile Communication. The Ability for Employees to Be in Touch Anywhere Do many of your employees work on location? At the same time, they need to stay in touch with the office and clients? Let's do more than just connect them to a mobile operator! All their mobile calls will go to the CRM and ICS to ensure not only the correct distribution and forwarding but also to record conversations, monitor the quality of work, track problems, etc. In addition, the presence of a single mobile number with a voice greeting and forwarding - it's prestigious! Secretary Phone. Get an Additional Functionality for Maximum Efficiency The secretary is always inextricably linked with telephony. Even in the smallest office, the secretary's phone is bursting with calls! How about providing your secretary with features that save time and increase efficiency? A phone with an additional panel of phone monitoring buttons, the ability to set up an answering machine or voice message, call recording, and other functions will solve the problem of employee workload. Director's Phone: Custom Solutions for Executives The director of the company requires maximum detail of all processes in the office. Telephony is no exception. We offer to choose for you custom solutions for the director's phone. All modern telephony features are available in one device. We will select for you the optimal terminal device that will perform all the desired functions. With us, you can be sure that telephone communication is at its best in your office!
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User groups management: Service of Differentiation of Access Rights of Subscribers
User groups management: Service of Differentiation of Access Rights of Subscribers
Differentiation of access rights is the basis of company security. And when it comes to telephony, determining the access rights of employees and configuring the equipment to perform them is an important task. Our company will help you with this! We offer powerful and easy-to-configure software to ensure your employees have access to exactly the features they need to be productive. Classify information and optimize employees' working time. Access Rights in Accordance with Competence and Responsibilities: Company Security in Solutions by <company name> We offer solutions for restricting employees' access to telephony tools. This does not mean at all that some of the employees will be able to use the telephone, and some will not. Our tools allow you to customize: Access to the elements of the telephony system, depending on the authority. Access to recordings of conversations and listening systems. Access to the Elements of the Telephony System Depending on the Permissions Modern telephony provides many opportunities. But not all of them are needed by every employee of the company. For example, senior professionals who train beginners simply cannot do without supervisor tools. But ordinary managers will not need this tool. It is important for the secretary to see which of the employees is free to forward the call, and he needs an online call monitoring system. And the HR manager does not need this function at all. Thanks to the differentiation of access groups and rights for them, each of your employees will be able to use exactly the functions and tools that they need. Access to Recordings of Conversations and Listening Systems We can provide you with tools to restrict access not only to functions but also to information. First of all, this concerns services for storing audio recordings of calls and tools for listening to conversations. Only those who are responsible for the processes related to audio information will have access to it. All confidential data will remain inviolable. Advantages of Access Control in Telephony Information security - incompetent employees will not be able to harm the company by gaining access to information and capabilities that they do not need. Function control. You will know exactly what tools are available to everyone and how they use them. Employee time optimization. Everyone gets only those opportunities that are needed. No need to sort tools and data belonging to other employees. Saving time and the ability to focus on processes is what access control gives you. By Choosing Us, You Choose the Comfort of Access Distribution for Employees We offer effective ways to configure access to telephony systems in groups, individually, by a set of filters. Easy-to-use and reliable software will make setting up access comfortable. In addition, our specialists are always in touch with you to help with configuration, installation, updating, and training in working with access rights. You can be sure that everyone on your team is working with exactly the tools they need access to.
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Online Phone Monitoring
Online Phone Monitoring
Make modern digital telephony technologies your working tool for the company’s management. You can always be aware of the case, how many calls your employees are processing, who is idle, and who is overworked now. The online call monitoring service will help you with this! Why Do You Need Online Phone Monitoring? Office work is largely connected with telephone calls, and modern multichannel telephony allows each employee to be provided with an individual number and full-featured telephone communication in their working flow. But as a company leader, can you answer the following questions right off the bat? Are all telephone numbers in the office functioning right now? Do all employees receive and make phone calls during the day? Which of the employees is not on the phone at the moment? What is the daily load on the number of phone calls per employee? Accurate and timely answers to these questions can help you optimize the company's work, and evaluate the efficiency and workload of each employee. All this is possible with the help of an online phone monitoring service. You get the opportunity to monitor the work of each telephone number of the company in real time. Such monitoring allows you: Evaluating the call processing performance of each employee. You can see how many calls each of your employees receives every day, and how often their number is idle. Getting information about the duration of each employee's phone calls. How much time does he spend talking with a client? See which of the employees is at the workplace and who is not in the office. Distribute calls only to those employees who are at the workplace and are not busy on the phone so as not to lose customer calls. What Tasks Can Be Solved Using Online Monitoring of Phones from <company name> First of all, it is an effective tool for assessing the performance of each employee in the field of phone calls. You will know exactly which of the employees deserves encouragement for active and efficient work with clients, and who simply wastes their working time. Also, online monitoring gives you the opportunity to distribute the salary budget according to the efficiency and workload of each employee. Thus you can build a motivation system based on the analysis of online monitoring of each phone number. For your secretary or receptionist, an online monitoring service can also become part of the effective performance of duties. By tracking in real-time which telephone lines are currently free, the secretary will be able to forward customer calls to those employees who are competent in the matter and who are not currently busy talking on the phone with other customers. Minimize call losses with this tool. And do not forget about the technical component of phone calls! Online monitoring of phones helps to avoid force majeure situations due to poor communication, technical problems, and telephone line failures. You can immediately see which of the numbers is unavailable due to technical reasons, and you can sort out the problem. Benefits of Online Phone Monitoring Service from <company name> Tracking each phone in real-time mode. Any number of phones to monitor. Efficient and easy-to-use software for your company. The technical support team is always in touch with you. An opportunity to scale the service if you need to connect additional numbers. Working with mobile numbers, SIP-telephony, and fixed telephone networks. With us, you will be able to manage the working time of employees responsible for telephone communication even more effectively!
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SIP numbers: Choose the Best Telephony Provider for Your Business With Our Help
SIP numbers: Choose the Best Telephony Provider for Your Business With Our Help
The organization of telephony for your business is a task that, if properly solved, can increase the profit of the company and its recognition. But it can be difficult to choose a telephone provider on your own. It is important to take into account several important factors that determine efficiency. In particular, these are as follows: Compliance with a load of telephone lines and the number of calls from customers. High-quality telephone communication must cope with the highest load and give customers the opportunity to get through at any time. The quality of communication simply must be on top. Without this, even the most popular provider will not bring you profit. Comfortable rates and terms of payment for telephony services. It is important to take this into account when selecting communication methods and providers that provide them. In addition, a responsible business telephony service takes into account several tiny features and nuances that every company has. That is how we work. We provide custom services and select the best providers for the following telephony directions for each client, regardless of the scale of the business and its goals. Selection of a Landline Number Provider Station numbers are still needed. Especially if you prefer digital telephony numbers. We will select for you a provider that will fully satisfy the needs of your business in the following features: the number of calls per day that you need to process, the number of dedicated lines to cover all the needs of the company, the structure of calls: what is the priority, outgoing or incoming calls? connection quality and voice detailing. All this is taken into account by our specialists to provide you with the best quality fixed telephone services and take your income to the next level thanks to carefully tuned telephone communications. Assistance in the Selection of Mobile Operators Mobile numbers for business are a must-have. Without contact mobile numbers, your business may simply not be taken seriously or considered obsolete. To prevent this from happening, entrust us with the selection of reliable mobile operators with the best communication standards and favorable rates for business. This is what will help you stay one step ahead of the competition. High-quality voice transmission, the capabilities of GSM gateways, and receiving calls from customers without restrictions, all this is possible with us! Save on mobile communications and expand the range of your services with GSM gateways. Selection of a Provider of Multichannel SIP-Telephony Multichannel numbers today have become the main solution for effective communication between the business and its customers. We will help you choose the most suitable option for multichannel SIP-telephony from all providers on the market, taking into account the specifics of your company, the number of leased lines you need, and potential load on the telephone network. With us, your office will always be in touch, and your customers will always be able to get through to you. Calls Around the World - With Us You Get the Most Favorable Conditions Modern business requires global solutions. Even a small bakery can send its products overseas. For contact with customers and partners in other locations, it is important to ensure uninterrupted and inexpensive international communication. Our company knows all the subtleties of telephony in different parts of the world, and we are always ready to offer you the best solutions for international calls. Call all over the world with profit! Our experts will offer you the best solutions in the field of business telephony with the selection of the most profitable and reliable operators of all levels of telephone communication. You can be sure that you will receive communication channels that have no equal in terms of quality. You will always be in touch with your customers and partners. You will beat your competitors with the speed and quality of communications. Everything is possible! Just ask for a consultation and get a customized solution for your business from <company name>.
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Auto Dialer for Your Office Telephony: the Best Ideas for Easy Navigation
Auto Dialer for Your Office Telephony: the Best Ideas for Easy Navigation
Lots of companies struggle daily to get as many customers’ conversions using phone calls. The performance of the telephony, in this case, depends much. Today’s solutions in the field of telephony automation are the win-win idea for achieving the highest goals. And automated dialer system is, no doubt, one of these solutions. The essence of auto dialer system is to ease the process of dialing and thus, improve the quality of communications with customers via phone. Yet there is one thing to consider for a business owner when deciding to get an auto dialer system for the profit of their business. That is, you need to adjust it beforehand. For this, we offer not only the software that will perform the auto dialer procedure tip-top but also guidelines on how to install this software and configure it due to the needs of your business. The guideline helps to install the software correctly with a step-by-step following to the tips. Besides, it is time-saving and requires a couple of minutes only. Main Merits of Auto Dialer Software There are lots of merits a business owner may appreciate when getting automated dialer software for increasing sales. That software works equally efficiently for B2B and B2C business models. As for the practice, auto dialer software offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that can be easily understood by every employee in the company. The menu offers the following options: Operators menu; Campaigns for dialing; Lists; Grouping incoming calls; Grouping users; Dialing templates; Analytics & reporting; For each option, there are sub-menus with various functions attached. One more merit you may value is the ease of installation. All you need to start working with an auto dialer system is to unpack the software, create operators’ profiles for each employee responsible for calls, register softphones for each operator, and then upload the phone database. After that, you are welcome to create campaigns, adjust scenarios, and get reports on the auto dialer routines. And it is beneficial in our auto dialer software that you can set access in various levels. For example, you can set full access for managers, and limit operators just with lead card access and commenting. As for the leads database, you can upload it to the software in several ways. Use API, create an Excel file, or add the database you used before. How to Manage Dialing Campaigns Campaigns in the auto diaer software are tailored to meet your needs. You are welcome to set the type of dialing (for example, choose manual or predicting dialing), and that leads to pushing the corresponding scenario for the dialing type. For manual dialing, the scenario offers the operator to push the dialing button to start the call. For progressive dialing, several dials in a row are performed and when each of them is connected, the dial is transferred to the operator that is free at the time. For smaller businesses, that scenario offers a connection to operators and customers using queues. For predicting dialing, all the calls are dialed at one time, and then they are connected with the operator. Besides, in a campaign, you can set several scenarios for call handling. Whether it will be performed using the operator, with auto broadcasting of the message, or in a mixed mode. You can also adjust scenarios that depend on the customer’s behavior. In that case, you can write the algorithm in advance depending on typical dialogues, and customers’ answers. Access to campaigns is also adjusted by a manager. Besides, being a manager, you can redirect calls to another operator, request stats, and create reports to analyze call activity and efficiency. What’s About Efficiency? There are several results to get from the auto dialer system. Time-saving results for operators. No need for mechanical dialing of numbers and this saves at least several seconds per one call that in sum are higher productivity of an operator. Fewer issues of a human factor when dialing clients’ numbers. With dialing scenarios and scripts that use certain intervals, you can increase the number of handled calls. Seamless analytics and reporting help businesses improve calling scenarios and the efficiency of a call center. Easy adjusting of scenarios makes a business owner independent from software developers in the goal to change scenarios and campaigns. There are solutions for local and international calls taking into account customers’ time zones. More calls you can make with auto dialer is more sales you get. Using auto dialer is effective for cold calling and lead detection. You can grow your customer database automatically with no need in growing your staff. Use auto dialer to explore customers’ behavior and thus, to improve customer service. As you can see, the auto dialer system frees your hands and help to increase profit for your business. You can get this service in our company for a reasonable cost right now.
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